Even taking it a step further within the layers and architectural building blocks there are design decision points and interaction patterns that help to define thee SOA solution. 甚至在这些层中此概念更推进一步,设计决策点和交互模式的架构构建块可以帮助定义该SOA解决方案。
I also chose to show the ineligibility notice as its own user interface element, once again bordering on a design decision that would need to be reflected in the user interface prototype. 我还选择了将无资格通知作为它自己的用户界面元素显示,这又是一个接近于需要在用户界面原型中反映的设计决策。
This is a great example of a design decision that emerged once the business saw the reality of what they thought they wanted. 这是一个在业务人员认识到他们认为必需的功能之后做出设计决定的优秀示例。
Sometimes, you have to drop back a few steps when a particular design decision doesn't make sense. 有时候,可能会发现某个设计决策是没有意义的,这时就必须后退几步。
The key solution design decision is to identify the roles and responsibilities of plug-ins. 主要的解决方案设计决策是确认插件的角色和职责。
As discussed, rule expressions may take on a wide range of forms, and a key design decision is the identification of which rules are best expressed in which form. 规则表达式可以采用各种格式,一项关键的设计决策就是决定哪些规则最适合用哪种形式表达。
A key design decision is the grain of aggregate tables. 一个关键设计决策是汇总表的粒度。
A significant design decision in cairo is to support nearly identical output to the greatest extent possible. cairo的一项主要设计目标是提供尽可能接近的输出。
For example, you can link a design decision to the requirement ( s) that it's addressing. 例如,您可以将某个设计决策与它处理的需求联系起来。
Now I have a design decision to make. 现在我要做出一个设计的决定。
This design decision has wide implications because we have just introduced an interface between traditional heap-based Java and the nonheap environment of NHRTs. 这样的设计决策具有广泛的影响,原因在于我们在传统基于堆的环境和NHRT的非堆环境之间引入了一个接口。
One common design decision is to disable a button when it's not applicable. 通常的设计决策是当按钮不可用时禁用它。
Your first design decision is that you â™ re going to use a TableViewer. 您最初的设计方案是您要使用TableViewer。
Another DPF design decision is the number of database partitions. 另一个DPF设计决定是数据库分区的数量。
Error propagation to service consumers can be accomplished in many different ways that it is important to have an architecture design decision to choose the most appropriate style for the enterprise. 可以使用多种方法来向服务消费者们传递错误,而其中非常重要的就是要给企业作出一个架构设计决定用以选择一个最为合适的传递方式。
Yet a faulty transmission system has already delayed production for a year – Mr Musk blames a design decision by the first CEO, who left under a cloud late last year. 然而,有缺陷的传动系统已经使生产推迟了一年,马斯克将其归咎为第一任首席执行官的设计决策&这位首席执行官在去年底黯然离任。
How hard should a web designer fight for a good design decision before they throw in the towel and let a bad design decision happen? 在设计师们认输并采用一个糟糕的设计策略之前,他应该做出多少努力来维护他的良好的设计决策呢?
If your application has no knowledge of flying and isn't expected to ever have any, making Penguin a derived class of Bird may be a perfectly valid design decision. 如果程序不涉及到飞,并且将来也不会,那么让Penguin派生于Bird就会是非常合理的设计。
Whether that may include actual damage dealing destructibles or not is probably more of a design decision on a case by case basis. 在破坏物品的时候是否会包含一个实际的损伤值则更多是由设计人员根据情况来决定。
This was a design decision made to make certain that players who chose this spec would, amongst other things, not have to wait for too terribly long for equipment itemized to their liking. 为了让选择惩戒天赋的玩家不用花相当恐怖的时间去逐条计算每件装备的收益,我们对此进行了简化。
Every flawed design decision, be it big or small, will slow you down. 每一个设计时的错误决定,不论大小,都会降低你的速度。
At this point of my understanding, it is simply impossible to resolve this kind of design decision automatically. 在这一点上我认为,自动解决这种设计决策完全是不可能的。
Adding superfluous classes to a hierarchy can be just as bad a design decision as having the wrong inheritance relationships between classes. 在设计层次中增加多余的类是一种很糟糕的设计,就象在类之间制定了错误的继承关系一样。
Designers ( or, more broadly, design decision makers) are the primary consumers of usability study findings. 设计者(或者更广泛些,包括那些设计决策者)是可用性研究结果的主要受益者。
They must build scal ability into every design decision from the beginning. 他们必须从一开始就在每一个设计决策中考虑可伸缩性的问题。
Design decision of complete machine, compact conformation and high speed full auto roll alternation. 整机设计精致,结构紧凑,高速全自动换卷。
This doesn't mean that you have to agree with every design decision that's been made in the project ( dissent is healthy) or that the guiding principles outlined here are written in stone. 这不意味这你不得不同意每一个设计决定,即它已经向项目中进入(不同意是健康的)或者那写入石头中的导向原理轮廓。
Another design decision that would not impact the process definition is the fact that the candidate application could happen in a different human task container. 另一个不会影响过程定义的设计决策是这样一个事实:候选人申请能发生在一个不同的人工任务容器。
A testing design decision analysis algorithm based on test importance was proposed for software test design strategy optimization. 针对软件测试设计策略优化问题,提出一种基于测试重要度的测试设计决策分析算法。
But the things we were trying to stress were that it's an important design decision when you are coming up with a piece of code, as to what kind of efficiency your code has. 但是我们这里要强调的是,当你写代码的时候,决定你的代码的效率的很重要的事情,就是你的设计决定。